Buzz Aldrin receiving 'Moon Talk'.

photo credit: Ross Bell, Executive Director of Aerospace States Association.

You can purchase DVDs and POSTERS of our documentaries.
Click on the "Store" link above...


AACLA Mission
 The mission of the Arthur A. Collins Legacy Association is to collect, preserve, and interpret the legacy of Arthur Collins and the Collins Radio Company he founded.

 At fifteen, Arthur maintained reliable communication - when few others could - with the 1925 McMillan expedition to northern Greenland, using radios he had designed and built, along with techniques for short wave communication he had worked out in advance with the ship’s radio operator, John Reinartz, Collins gained national recognition for his feat.

 Over the next four decades Collins built a Fortune 500 Company with, at its peak, over 24,000 employees, known for its extraordinary innovation in avionics and aerospace, advanced radio communication, microwave, telecommunication, and computers.

 A shy man, averse to self-promotion and rarely giving interviews or public speeches, the story of Arthur Collins and his contributions to modern technology are little-known even within the electronics industry.

See our Wikipedia page.
The Collins Story YouTube Channel
We have uploaded our AACLA documentary videos to YouTube for all to enjoy.

• "WW II Production, Defending Liberty", a story about Collins' manufacturing contribution during the war and our coveted five-star Army-Navy E-Award Flag. —13:34 min

• "A Culture of Innovation" chronicling Arthur Collins' boyhood mastery of amateur radio and the founding of his multinational corporation. —23:38 min

• Our Award Winning Video, "Steps To The Moon" —1:12:23 min

• Our Award Winning Video, "Moon Talk" —35:27 min

• Our Award Winning Video, "Live From The Moon" —54:41 min

Trailers For:
• "Steps To The Moon" —2:47 min
• "Moon Talk" —3:08 min
• "Live From The Moon" —1:16 min
View the Channel here.
Three More Awards…
Steps to the Moon received three awards at the Iowa Motion Picture Association award event Saturday evening. Steve was on hand to receive these awards on behalf of the AACLA.

• Excellence in Documentary film-making.
 We understand that we bested eight other documentaries for this top award.
• Excellence in editing long form to Eric Freese
• Excellence in voice over narration to Steven James
Collins SSB and the SAC
• Rod has authored a new story about Collins Radio Company's Single Side Band (SSB) radios and their initial testing and later application with the U.S. Air Force, Strategic Air Command (SAC).
View the document here.
Video Awards
Our VIDEOS have been getting a
Read this list of awards that they have collected.
View the page here.
The 90-year Saga of Our 30W
• Rod has authored a story about the lineage of the Collins 30W Transmitter on display in the Collins Aerospace Museum.
• From its beginning in Art's basement - to Shepherd, Tennessee - then back home here in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
View the story here.
Photos from Neil Armstrong's Visit
• On May 29, 1975 Neil Armstrong was invited as the keynote speaker at a Collins Management Club dinner.
• A photographer recorded many of the attendees getting to meet and greet the famous moon walker.
• We are asking our readers to 'give them a look' and if you spot someone you know, drop Rod a line. He has a good start of the names listed with each photo...
View the page here.
'Radio Bikini' Story
• A Collins TCS-9 HF Transmitter that survived two atomic blasts at the Bikini Atoll, during Operation Crossroads, has been found.
• It is now being prepared by our conservator, retiree, Larry Pinkston and will be loaned to the Collins Aerospace Museum for display.
View the story here.
Article in the Dallas Morning News
Teri Webster from The Dallas Morning News published an article on Richardson's connection to the Collins Radio Company and the development of the Space Communications Equipment described in "Steps to the Moon".
Click here to read the article.
Read more about Gemini
If you enjoyed our last movie "Steps to the Moon" you may also be interested in a back story from Hugo Kann who served on the Gemini design team for the HF receiver and later, Project Engineer.
View the story here.
Opening Day at Honeysuckle Creek
March 17, 1967
- You might enjoy this video from one of our Australian cousins, and Apollo enthusiasts, Colin Mackellar.
- Colin is a regular contributor to the Friends of Honeysuckle Creek - one of NASA's tracking stations, assembled by the Collins Radio Company, during the Apollo program.
- Only a few months after these photos were taken, the equipment shown was in use on July 20th 1969 relaying voice and video from Tranquility Base on the moon.
- During this epic event, Honeysuckle Creek's antennas were in a prime position to down-link the first steps on the moon...
- BTW: The lucky staff, that day, at Honeysuckle Creek, got to watch the best "raw" quality video - while the rest of us only saw the blurry "scan converted" stuff.
- Where is this place?
Google Earth Users - search for:
Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Stn., Apollo Road, Tennent ACT, Australia
- Also: Visit their site.
View the video here.
Collins Retirees in the Dallas/Richardson area
The Rockwell Collins Retirees Association in Richardson Texas

Check out the "Collins History (1952-Today)" link on their 'About-Us' page. You will find a detailed PDF about the history of the company's building complex, in and around Richardson.
View the WEB SITE here.
Collins Aerospace Museum
Looking for more information about Arthur Collins and the Collins Radio Company?
Visit the Collins Aerospace Museum's web site.
Edited by Rod and Larry - so you know it is loaded with good stuff!
View the Site here.
Our 'Collins Story' Documentaries are available on YouTube!
Click on an image to view the Movie.
  • 1
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  •  — WW II Production - click image.
  •  — A Culture of Innovation - click image.
  •  — Steps to the Moon - click image.
  •  — Moon Talk - click image.
  •  — Live from the Moon - click image.
This Month in History - July
July 11th, 1939
 –85 years ago.
A.A. Collins was granted patent No. 2,165,226 for the Autotune® mechanism.
July 16th, 1969
 –55 years ago.
Apollo 11 was launched by a Saturn V rocket from Kennedy Space Center on Merritt Island, Florida.
July 20th, 1969
 –55 years ago.
Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin, arrive at the Sea of Tranquility - the first humans to land on the moon.
July 21st, 1961
 –63 years ago.
A Mercury-Redstone 4 (Liberty Bell 7), with Astronaut Virgil I. Grissom, launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida. This suborbital flight lasted 15 minutes, 37 seconds. The spacecraft sank shortly after splashdown.
July 29th, 1958
 –66 years ago.
On this day, then president, Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act creating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
FY23 Annual Report
Our annual report Has been released.
View the Document here.
What's New ?
Latest additions to the AACLA web site

• A Christmas Card drawn by Michael's Mother, Peg, back in 1954.
• A STORY about Arthur's world tours demonstrating his SSB radios to the U.S. Air Force SAC.
• A List of our Documentaries' AWARDS.
• The HISTORY of our Museum's 30W Transmitter.
• Neil Armstrong's 1975 VISIT with Collins Employees.
• A new page to highlight AACLA and local STEM Programs.
• An article, by Hugo Kann, about the Gemini
1937 Collins Stock
From Creation to Consolidation - View the share certificates of Arthur’s Iowa-based corporation.
View the page here.