The Arthur A. Collins Legacy Association (AACLA) supports various STEM projects, working with students at various grade levels on projects that encourage and inspire them to consider science, technology, engineering and mathematical education and careers.
• A recent AACLA contribution was a Presentation to dozens of Middle School students at the "New Bo’s City on the Moon STEM Event".
• The following Movie is an example of two Middle School students in Cedar Rapids, IA who submitted a paper and their 10-minute video related to Arthur Collins and his company, Collins Radio.
• These two students were awarded the right to compete at the National History Day competition at the state level (Iowa) in Des Moines.
• They are working now to be selected to go back to Washington, D.C. and compete at the national level.
• Click on this link to view their video
"The Untold Story of Arthur Collins" by: Sam Bloomquest & Slader Buckheister
• A very early example of pre-STEM experience was Arthur Collins' 1982 response to an inquiry from a Linn-Mar Middle School student, Eric Roling.
• Eric had written to Mr. Collins with several engaging questions that piqued Arthur's interest to write a response.
Read Arthur's Letter