10th Anniversary Dinner
10th Anniversary Dinner
Quoted from the October 1945 issue of Collins Column. “Collins Employees, who have been with the company ten years and longer, were guests of ARTHUR COLLINS, President, at a dinner in the Florentine Room of the Hotel Roosevelt, August 2, 1945. Ten-year pins were presented to forty-five people.” View full size.
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Breaking Ground for new Engineering Building
Breaking Ground for new Engineering Building
Arthur Collins moving the first soil in a ground breaking ceremony at the new Engineering Building during the winter of 1953. The facility was completed and occupied in 1954 and was named Building-120.
We have that shovel in one of our Museum back rooms. It was later engraved with the details of the event. View full size.
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Office Staff: Circa 1934-35
Office Staff: Circa 1934-35
Nicely composed photo of eight Collins Radio Co. office workers - notice the immaculately clean desks.
This editor is guessing that we are on the ground floor of the southeast ell of the Metropolitan Building. The morning (10:30) sun is shinning into the windows at the far (south) end of the room.
We see a lot of short-sleeved blouses - it must be Summer.
Left to Right: Katherine Horsfall, Frances Power, Park Rinard, Irene Snyder, Faye Dunn, Betty Davis, Lucille Dotson, and Marjorie James. View full size.
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Merle and Arthur Collins
Merle and Arthur Collins
Circa 1918. Assuming young Arthur is about nine-years-old, in this photo with his father Merle. View full size.
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A.A. Collins: June 1944
A.A. Collins: June 1944
Arthur Collins reviews a design Engineer’s data - probably in that person’s office located in building-137 (Main Plant).
The building is only a couple of years-old and the walls still look pristine! View full size.
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1944: Collins Radio Co. Administrative Committee
1944: Collins Radio Co. Administrative Committee
Frank M. Davis, General Manager Engineering Design Division; William J. Barkley, Executive Vice President; Arthur A. Collins, President; Robert S. Gates, Vice President; L. Morgan Craft, General Manager Operations Division; and Eugene M. Pinney, General Manager Industrial Relations Division (with back to camera). S. J. Storm, Treasurer and Comptroller is not in picture. View full size.
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